Wednesday, June 07, 2006

The odor of memory


Icke has been quite neglected; an askew situation that must be rectified. Recall his punctuation? I repost here for you, in his memory, his famous poem.

The Melon-Eaters

In abjuration, the wet seedy horror unmasks itself
Soul to Face, Orbis and Atlas
The glossy pearly pearl-like white dagger into the flesh
(Pulp if you prefer, i prefer flesh)
Textured in form-firm purity, oh cracked orb!
Scooped in semi-lunis or divided and ravaged?
Mended? Never. Consumed and halted.
Lonely rind with termination left not complete.
Carcass left on the bone dry to whither yet not to cease.
Does the unbroken fleshy-flesh, not firm-form with pearly-pearl whites
Drop of sorrow like the orb sheds?
No cares not and sends rind to putridity

Who are the melon-eaters? I ask.
What are they, and what is their task.


Xavier Martel said...

This is one of my all-time favorite poems. I love the way that "unbroken fleshy-flesh" delights both pallate & mind with it's textually sumptuous consonants!

Xavier Martel said...

This is one of my all-time favorite poems. I love the way that "unbroken fleshy-flesh" delights both pallate & mind with it's textually sumptuous consonants!

Standifer Evasto Visum said...
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Standifer Evasto Visum said...

If it were a steak instead of a casaba, I'd say "well done".

"Thumping good," comes to mind.

All kidding aside, this is an excellent piece and like the mellon, well worth consuming "down to the rind".